5 Proven Strategies for Effective Management of FSP in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials hold the promise of better treatments, but the process is far from simple. From planning to paperwork to analyzing results, there’s a ton to manage. Then there’s the ‘what if we could get expert help?’ moment. That’s what FSPs in clinical trials are all about – they bring the skills and experience to make sure those trials succeed.

FSPs are the experts that help sponsors with the knowledge and skills to simplify the processes. If properly administered, FSP can help sponsors save money, cut expenses, and reduce risk. FSP experts ensure that the clinical trial is conducted ethically, efficiently, and safely, which ultimately benefits patients, healthcare providers, and society as a whole. We can learn from case studies how important it is to involve Functional Service Provider (FSP) experts in clinical trials.

A healthcare conglomerate in Florida faced clinical data quality, standardization, and project management issues in its R&D initiatives in ophthalmology. They worked with Maxis Clinical Sciences, an FSP that provided a team of 40 professionals with diverse skills. The team helped manage clinical database design and management, statistical programming, and familiarity with CDISC standards. Maxis Clinical Sciences exceeded expectations, reducing the cycle time from protocol to study lock and allowing the company to concentrate on its research and planning. At the end of the 12-month engagement, Maxis Clinical Sciences completed the agreement, and the company continues to utilize Maxis as a value-added provider.

A top 20 biopharmaceutical company faced capacity, knowledge, and expertise issues in executing clinical trials. Maxis Clinical Sciences provided a flexible and scalable FSP model solution. They deployed a team of 20 seasoned clinical trial SMEs and therapeutic experts for high-quality drug development. Implementing the FSP model resulted in a 0% attrition rate among the clinical team. This enabled the client to leverage expertise and strategic direction while outsourcing routine tasks to their CRO partner. The seamless integration of Maxis Clinical’s team allowed the client to address project tasks and scale their clinical development programs effectively.

Importance of FSP in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are expensive and time-consuming endeavors that require careful planning and execution.

According to the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, pharmaceutical companies spend $2.6 billion to develop a new drug. Effective FSP Management in Clinical Trials is crucial for efficient and cost-effective trial conduct and successful drug development.

One of the key factors in FSP management is stakeholder engagement. This effective stakeholder engagement, which includes sponsors, investigators, CROs, and other service providers, requires clear communication, collaboration, and a shared commitment to the trial’s completion.

In addition to stakeholder engagement, effective FSP management requires clear communication of expectations. This includes defining the scope of work, timelines, and quality standards for each FSP. According to an article published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, good communication and alignment of expectations between sponsors and FSP are key strategic criteria for clinical trials.

Timely decision-making is also essential for effective FSP management. Delays in decision-making can cause delays in the trial, leading to increased costs and lost revenue.

Finally, understanding the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder is an important key to effective FSP management. Each stakeholder has unique skills and responsibilities, and effective collaboration requires a clear understanding and communication of these roles.

FSPs, as third-party organizations, provide specialized services to clinical trials. These services include data management, statistical analysis, medical writing, regulatory consulting, and more. FSPs are important because they help manage resources and timelines more efficiently and provide specialized expertise that may be outside the sponsor’s organization.

Clinical Monitoring

  • Maxis Clinical Sciences Clinical Monitoring teams ensure that clinical trials are conducted in compliance with protocols, regulations, and ethical principles. They do this by collecting data accurately and completely, and by conducting trials in accordance with ethical principles.
  • Experts regularly visit trial sites to review documents, verify consent, and ensure proper reporting of adverse events.
  • We also provide training and support to site staff, facilitating effective communication between sponsors and sites.

Data Management

  • Maxis Clinical Sciences’ data management teams are responsible for designing and developing case report forms (CRFs) to collect trial data. They ensure that the data is entered, validated, and cleaned accurately and in compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • The teams conduct quality control and quality assurance checks on trial data to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and consistent. They use advanced data management tools and techniques to manage and analyze the data effectively.


  • Maxis Clinical Sciences’ biostatisticians play a vital role in the design, analysis, and interpretation of clinical trial data.
  • They closely collaborate with clinical trial teams to develop statistical analysis plans and conduct complex analyses, including sample size calculations, hypothesis testing, and modeling.
  • Their extensive experience and understanding of regulatory requirements ensure accurate and compliant data analysis.

Medical Writing

  • Maxis Clinical Sciences’ medical writers develop essential documents for clinical trials, such as clinical study reports (CSRs), protocols, and Investigational New Drug (IND) applications. They collaborate closely with clinical trial teams and biostatisticians to present trial data accurately and clearly in these documents.
  • They are experts in regulatory writing and have a deep understanding of regulatory guidelines and requirements. They ensure that all documents are well-written, scientifically sound, and comply with regulatory requirements.


  • Maxis Clinical Sciences’ pharmacovigilance team monitors the safety of investigational products during and after clinical trials. They identify, evaluate, and report adverse events, and develop risk management plans to protect trial participants.
  • The team has a deep understanding of safety regulations and works closely with clinical trial teams to ensure accurate and timely collection, analysis, and reporting of safety data.

Clinical Trial Supply Management

  • Maxis Clinical Sciences’ clinical trial supplies management team manages the entire supply chain for investigational products, including forecasting, planning, packaging, labeling, distribution, and inventory management.
  • The team ensures the right amount of investigational product is available at the right time and in the right place. This reduces the likelihood of delays and ensures trials are conducted efficiently.

Regulatory Affairs

  • Maxis Clinical Sciences’ FSP Management in Clinical Trials involves a specialized team that ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. They prepare and submit regulatory documents, including IND applications, Investigational Medicinal Product Dossiers (IMPDs), and Clinical Trial Authorization (CTA) applications. The team collaborates closely with regulatory authorities to obtain approvals and resolve issues.
  • The team has extensive experience dealing with regulatory authorities and has a deep understanding of regulatory requirements. They ensure that all documents are prepared accurately and in compliance with regulatory guidelines and requirements, reducing the likelihood of delays and ensuring that trials are conducted efficiently.

The Key to Effective FSP Management in Clinical Trials

As mentioned earlier, the key to effective FSP management is to ensure that all stakeholders are informed, engaged, and working collaboratively towards a common goal. But what does that really mean? Let’s dive deeper into the key elements of effective FSP management.

Choosing the Right FSP for the Clinical Trial

When selecting an FSP for a clinical trial, there are several factors to consider beyond just their expertise and experience in the relevant medical field. Sponsors should also consider the FSP’s level of flexibility, ability to work collaboratively, and willingness to provide customized services. For example, if a sponsor requires a specialized service such as imaging or biomarker analysis, they may need to seek out an FSP with specific expertise in that area. Additionally, sponsors should consider the FSP’s track record for delivering quality work on time and within budget.

Maxis Clinical Sciences is an exemplary FSP in clinical trial management, offering extensive experience and a global presence. They specialize in advanced analytics, technology solutions, and clinical functional services. Collaborating with sponsors across diverse treatment fields, Maxis Clinical Sciences delivers flexible and tailored services to meet the unique requirements of each trial.

Best Practices for Clear Communication and Collaboration with FSP

Sponsors should establish a communication plan. Identifying key stakeholders and contact persons is essential for everyone’s awareness of their roles and responsibilities. Regular check-ins and meetings with the FSP team can help monitor progress and ensure that the trial stays on track.

Sponsors should establish a communication plan. Identifying key stakeholders and contact persons is essential for everyone’s awareness of their roles and responsibilities. Regular check-ins and meetings with the FSP team can help monitor progress and ensure that the trial stays on track.

Effective Project Management

Developing a detailed project plan with clear timelines, milestones, and deliverables can help ensure that the trial is conducted efficiently and effectively. It’s also essential to assign clear roles and responsibilities to the FSP team and establish processes for issue resolution.

Regularly monitoring progress and making needed adjustments to the project plan helps keep the trial on track. Additionally, adequate training in project management methodologies and tools will ensure that FSP teams can manage the trial effectively. For example, using project management software such as Microsoft Project can help FSP teams stay organized and on schedule.

Data Management

Sponsors should ensure that they equip the FSP team with the technology and tools to manage and track data accurately. They should establish clear data standards, including data collection and analysis, and train the FSP team in these standards and any relevant regulations and guidelines.

For instance, the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) offers guidelines for effective data collection and analysis in clinical trials. FSP teams should be familiar with CDISC standards and trained to ensure consistent data collection and analysis across trials.

Ensuring Proper Oversight and Quality Control

Additionally, sponsors should regularly monitor and audit the FSP to ensure adherence to all regulatory requirements and ethical standards. Establishing reporting requirements and step-by-step actions can help ensure that the trial data is of high quality and can support regulatory submissions and eventual drug approvals.

For example, if a sponsor notices an issue with data quality, they should have a process in place for reporting this to the FSP team and escalating the issue if necessary. By ensuring proper oversight and quality control, sponsors can minimize the risk of errors and delays. It can also help ensure that the trial data is of high quality and can be used to support regulatory submissions and eventual drug approvals.

One approach to ensuring proper oversight and quality control is to establish a Clinical Trial Oversight Committee (CTOC) that includes representatives from both the sponsor and the FSP. The CTOC can be responsible for monitoring trial progress, identifying issues, and making recommendations for corrective action. The CTOC can also provide a forum for discussing trial performance metrics and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Another essential aspect of oversight and quality control is risk management. Sponsors and FSP should work together to identify potential risks to the trial’s success and develop mitigation strategies to address them. Risk management should be an ongoing process throughout the trial’s duration, with regular assessments of risk and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.

Effective oversight and quality control also require robust reporting and escalation procedures.Sponsors should establish clear reporting requirements and escalation procedures for the FSP team. These procedures define significant issues, responsible parties, and timelines for reporting and resolution.

In addition to oversight and quality control, sponsors and FSP prioritize patient safety and ethical conduct. Maxis Clinical Sciences ensures proper training for trial personnel and compliance with regulations and guidelines.

By following these best practices, sponsors can ensure the conduct of their clinical trials, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Delivering the Benefits of Effective FSP Management in Clinical Trials to Clients

Improved trial efficiency and timelines

Effective FSP Management in Clinical Trials involves clear communication and coordination among stakeholders, expediting the trial process. For instance, FSP provides expertise in data management, statistical analysis, medical writing, and regulatory consulting, leading to faster trial execution. Maxis Clinical Sciences’ FSP services offer customized solutions to meet sponsors’ specific needs, ensuring effective trial management.

Maxis’s strong team of experts streamlines communication among all stakeholders and expedites the trial process. Maxis provides expert services in data management, statistical analysis, medical writing, regulatory consulting, and more that help improve trial efficiency and timelines.

Reduced risks and delays

Clinical trials are complex and involve multiple stakeholders, which can increase the risk of errors and delays. Effective FSP management can help to mitigate these risks by providing oversight and quality control throughout the trial.

For instance, sponsors select the right FSP with expertise and resources for their trial. Maxis Clinical Sciences provides oversight and quality control to reduce errors and delays. We deploy the appropriate team with efficiency and necessary resources for each trial.

Higher quality data

Effective FSP management ensures accurate and efficient collection, management, and analysis of data. FSP can provide specialized expertise in data management, statistical analysis, and other areas, which can result in higher-quality data. Maxis Clinical Sciences’ FSP services have a strong focus on data management, statistical analysis, and other areas that help to ensure high-quality data. Maxis ensures that the data collected is consistent and reliable and that the analysis is aligned with the study objectives.

Cost savings

Sponsors can maximize cost savings while maintaining high-quality trials by selecting the right FSP and meeting quality standards. Maxis Clinical Sciences’ FSP services provide tailored solutions, resulting in cost savings and quality assurance. By outsourcing tasks to Maxis, sponsors can allocate internal resources to other critical aspects, improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Sponsors can help ensure the conduct of their clinical trials by choosing the right FSP, and ensuring proper oversight and quality control, sponsors can reap significant benefits, such as improved efficiency and timelines, reduced risks and delays, higher quality data, and cost savings.

Therefore, we urge sponsors to implement best practices for FSP management in their clinical trials. By doing so, they can enhance the overall effectiveness of their clinical trials and contribute to the development of safe and effective medications for in-need patients.

As a leading Functional Service Provider in the pharmaceutical industry, Maxis Clinical Sciences offers a range of FSP services to help sponsors effectively manage their clinical trials. With our deep expertise in clinical trial management, data management, biostatistics, pharmacovigilance, and regulatory affairs, we help sponsors overcome the complex challenges of clinical development and bring life-saving therapies to market faster. Maxis Clinical ensures timely completion of clinical trials and delivers quality results. Our thought leadership and innovation in FSP services make us a trusted partner for sponsors looking to streamline their clinical trial operations and accelerate their drug development programs.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and offerings.

Let us work together towards a common goal of improving healthcare through effective clinical trial management.


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  2. Bertram, Susan et al. “Communication is the key to success in pragmatic clinical trials in Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs).” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM vol. 26,5 (2013): 571-8. doi:10.3122/jabfm.2013.05.120352 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24004709/).